All Law School letterhead features the Law School logo lock-up.

Divisions, schools and colleges may opt for their second-tier logo in place of the LMU primary lock-up. If this option is exercised, the top line in the right-hand customizable section is reserved for spelling out Loyola Marymount University.

Second-tier logos at the department, center or program level are not permitted.

Allowable content on university letterhead is constrained to the following:

  • Loyola Law School and Loyola Marymount University spelled out — used on either the top or the second line in the right-hand customizable section
  • Law School division, department, program and/or center
  • Law School address
  • Law School phone and fax number
  • Law School department email address (not an individual's email address)
  • Law School homepage: (www is not used per university style)
  • College, department, program or center URL (must be a friendly URL per university style)

No icons, logos, symbols, photos, images or content not stated above is permitted on Law School letterhead.

Personal information, including personal website information, is not permitted on Law School letterhead. Letterhead margins are established at one-inch.